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1926 Natural Vision
1929 Grandeur
1930 Magnifilm
1930 Realife
1930 Vitascope
1952 Cinerama
1953 CinemaScope
1954 VistaVision
1955 Todd-AO
1955 Circle Vision 360
1956 CinemaScope 55
1957 Ultra Panavision 70
1958 Cinemiracle
1958 Kinopanorama
1959 Super Panavision 70
1959 Super Technirama 70
1960 Smell-O-Vision
1961 Sovscope 70
Cinerama 360
1962 MCS-70
1963 70mm Blow Up
1963 Circarama
1963 Circlorama
1966 Dimension 150
1967 DEFA 70
1967 Pik-A-Movie
1970 IMAX / Omnimax
1974 Cinema 180
1976 Dolby Stereo
1984 Showscan
1984 Swissorama
1986 iWERKS
1989 ARRI 765
1990 CDS
1994 DTS / Datasat
2001 Super Dimension 70
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• To record the history of the large format movies and the 70mm cinemas as remembered by the people who worked with the films. Both during making and during running the films in projection rooms and as the audience, looking at the curved screen.
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The passing of Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fisher
By Mark Lyndon
At the end of an exceptionally hard year, the Cinerama and 70mm community as well as all who love the Cinema and beyond; are mourning the passing of two of the brightest stars who ever lit up the big screen.
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story - The IMAX Experience
Ronan Nissenbaum
This was definitely the best presentation of "Rogue One" that I had seen so far but then again I am biased towards film presentation. Firstly I'll begin with the cons. The film was very dark at certain times, not like it wasn't being projected bright enough, or that the print was under-exposed, it was that the print was just far more contrasty than the digital presentations, and in some scenes it was almost too contrasty.
The Dunkirk 70mm Imax preview, plus the support film, Star Wars Rogue One
By Paul Sutton
The presentation of the "Dunkirk" footage reminded me of the super 8mm edits of feature films one used to enjoy back in the day - a collage of show scenes with just enough exposition (about 10 lines of dialogue) to get the story across. Much of the footage was of an aerial dogfight, fabulously filmed from within and without the cockpit, and of hordes of properly pale-looking young Englishmen in uniform carrying stretchers, huddled in boats, and looking very apprehensive as the sound of bombers zero in on them and scream all around us.
Cinerama Impressions From The Dome
David Granadino
The crowd in the Dome on both nights were enthusiastic and surrounded the Cinerama master himself, Dave Strohmaier, during the intermission and after the presentations! I noticed that the crowd for THE BEST OF CINERAMA had more young people in attendance than the night before which made me hopeful that these young people will love Cinerama as much as we "older" ones.

Premiere of "Windjammer" at the Empire in Paris
By Gerhard Witte
The very successful Cinemiracle movie "Windjammer" had its World Premiere at Grauman´s Chinese Theatre in Hollywood on Tuesday, April 8, 1958. In France, in Paris, "Windjammer" opened relatively late at the Empire-Cinérama-Théâtre Abel Gance on Monday, February 5, 1962.

Sales Manual For Louis De Rochemont's Windjammer
A film for all people of all ages, WINDJAMMER is a self-selling commodity; as evidenced by the record breaking grosses. It is a high level production, an entertainment, and, as such must be handled with special care. This is why WINDJAMMER has been and will be presented just like a Broadway show, on a hard ticket basis.
"Savage Pampas" released 19. December 2016 on German BluRay and 4K UltraHD
By Thomas Hauerslev
For the fans of "Savage  Pampas" here's finally the news you have been waiting for. On 19. December 2016, the new BluRay and 4K UltraHD disc of the classic MCS 70 Superpanorama western is finally available in stores. The new transfer was made directly from an original and very sharp vintage 70mm print, which was faded to the familiar red tones. Thanks to the talent of scan master Mr. Vincent Koch in Karlsruhe, Germany, the full color spectrum has been brought back in its full glory to be enjoyed by the fans.
I understand why everyone says it is "a must" in 70mm
By Ronan Nissenbaum
We went back up to the projection booth where the projectionist recognised us from the last time, and said we had been the last people up there. He was extremely nice and told us to pop back in the next time we were over, and we'll definitely be back over for Dunkirk and whatever other new 70mm prints are shown. I love film prints of all formats, but there's something so special about 70mm prints that really makes going to the cinema an event.
Thoughts about 120 fps / 4K / 3D
It does lend itself to certain genres of films, but I’m not sure which ones. It would be great for documentaries and concert films. Judging by the way the cheerleaders looked in the film, it might be great for erotica although it will reveal every pore and every flaw in an actor’s face. IMO, it would be terrible for fantasy films because it would reveal every flaw in makeup, masks, prothesises, set design, etc. I would like to see a film using the same process, but in 2D.
Cinemeccanica Victoria 18 70mm Projector for Sale in Holland
By Ton Langelaan
A complete Cinemeccanica Victoria 18 70/35 is for sale in the Brabrant region of Holland. The price is 3000 euro which includes everything as seen on the photo and including 70mm reels, 2000 watt Xenon, 70mm gate, rectifier, all optical, digital and magnetic sound heads plus much, much more.
Film Revival Gets Boost with New Large Format 65mm Processing Facilities in the UK
By Kodak
The revival of real film has received an additional boost with the news that large format Kodak 65mm film processing facilities have opened in the UK. Twentieth Century Fox’s "Murder On The Orient Express", directed by Kenneth Branagh, and shot by cinematographer Haris Zambarloukos BSC, will be one of the first productions to use the new installation.
What 7OMM is to Johan Wolthuis
By Thomas Hauerslev
Johann Wolthuis has been crucially instrumental in reviving world wide interest in 70mm. Indeed, it is no exaggeration to say that there might not have been the same level of awareness and appreciation of the 70mm format without his tireless dedication, advocacy and enthusiasm, which goes back for over three decades. We who love 70mm and see it as the greatest and grandest medium for the moving image of them all, owe him a great deal. He speaks most eloquently for us all.
Ladies and Gentlemen, This is MAGI Cinema
By Thomas Hauerslev
MAGI is very high frame rate, five times faster than usual, 4K image resolution and 3D. Films presented in MAGI is referred to, by people whop have seen demonstrations, as being hyper-realistic, far brighter (up to 28 foot lamberts), sharper than anything seen previously, and in particular far better that any current 3D techniques. The screen simply disappears between the viewer and the action on the curved screen.

The 7OMM Engagements
By Mike Coate
The following are lists of the 70mm first-run engagements of a hand full of film titles in North America:
“Zoot Suit”
“Where Eagles Dare”
“The River”
“The Muppet Movie”
“The Black Hole”
“Hanover Street”
“Grease” and “Grease 2”
“The Cowboys”
“Big Trouble in Little China”
“Absolute Beginners”

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70mm Engagements
• Go to in70mm.com's list of films blown up to 7OMM
“Cheyenne Autumn”: The Roadshow Engagements
By Mike Coate
A historical listing of the roadshow engagements of “Cheyenne Autumn” held in North America. These presentations utilized 70mm prints derived from 65mm Super Panavision photography projected onto large screens and featured discrete six-track stereophonic sound. The film’s formal public world premiere was held at the Warner in London on October 15th, 1964.
Memories from Bradford
By Hannemann, Lyndon, Olsson &
By unanimous decision, or else, of the Awards Committee of the Praesidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Academy of Seriously Large Format Kinematographic Systems, of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, it gives me great pleasure to award the highest accolade that the Academy can bestow, the Vladimir Ilyich Leninerama Gold Medal for Heroic Socialist Labou
“Windjammer” Stopping Soon In Two German Ports
By Randy Gitsch
"Windjammer" is shown on two screenings on successive nights as open-air events at the European Hansemuseum in Lubeck’s Old City, on Nov. 2 & 3. These unique presentations will be in the museum’s harbor front plaza where the film will be projected onto three obelisks encircling the this one-time prison yard, as a part of the 58th Nordic Film Days Lubeck event.
On Location with “It’s A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World”
Ron Kawal
In 2009, I was watching the first part of “It’s A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World” when I stated I knew where the ‘desert road’ going down the mountain was filmed. I went to Google Street View to find out that I was wrong. What began as a search for the road, ended up making me wonder where other scenes were filmed. It turned into a hobby, as it took three years to find almost all of the locations.

Best Of Cinerama" & "Cinerama’s Russian Adventure"
Some notes from Karlsruhe
By Anders M Olsson
Last time I was in Karlsruhe, two years ago, was very heavy on German films and German dubbed prints. This year they were back to their usual mix of German and English prints. I have no problem to sit through a film dubbed in German, even though I don't understand it all. If it's a good film that I haven't seen before, it only means that I'll have to revisit it later on, on DVD or Blu-ray.
7OMM at the Gartenbau Kino
By Gerhard Schwach
Gartenbau Kino in Vienna, with its lavishly designed cinema hall and one of the largest projection screens in town, has awaked from a long, deep 70mm slumber period (1994 – 2016), during which no single 70 mm presentation took place in Vienna.
Alex North's "Cheyenne Autumn" score released on 2CD from Entrada
By Entrada
Magnificent Alex North “roadshow” soundtrack gets full 2-CD restoration! Epic, elegiac John Ford western chronicles heroic 1500-mile trek of hungry Cheyenne from Oklahoma reservation to ancestral homeland in the Dakotas during 1878-79. North approaches tragic tale with masterful large-scale score devoid of western cliche and filled instead with rich, brooding central theme for Cheyenne, haunting melody for sympathetic Quaker Deborah (Baker), aggressive martial music for cavalry, intense battle sequences and more.
Todd-AO Festival Film Introductions, 2016
By Wolfram Hannemann
On this weekend I would like to invite you to Minnie's Haberdashery, which the Hateful Eight will turn into a Little Shop of Horrors during the course of an evening, while some Gorillas in the Mist are tracked down by Dick Tracy during his Hunt for Red October.

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Wolfram Hannemanns's in70mm.com Library
7OMM allerdings ein verdammt guter Grund
Von Thomas Hauerslev
Für die Leser dieser Festivalbroschüre sind 7OMM allerdings ein verdammt guter Grund. Um dem Slogan aus „The Hateful Eight“ von Quentin Tarantino gerecht zu werden, habe ich sie für das 12. Todd-AO-Festival etwas überarbeitet. Natürlich gibt es eine ganze Reihe guter Gründe, um die schöne Stadt Karlsruhe zu besuchen, für uns Festivalbesucher ist jedoch nichts so wichtig wie 7OMM
70MM is a Pretty Good Reason - Foreword for 2016
By Thomas Hauerslev

or the readers of this Festival Brochure, 7OMM is a pretty good reason. To honor the catch phrase from Quentin Tarantino's "The Hateful Eight", I have re-written it mildly for the 12th Todd-AO Festival. Of course, there are plenty of good reasons for going to the beautiful city of Karlsruhe, but for we festival guests, nothing matters like 7OMM
12. Todd-AO 70mm-Festival. 30. Sep - 2. Oct, 2016
By Born & Hauerslev
We have launched the 12th instalment of the “Todd-AO 70mm Festival“ to be held from 30. September - 2. October, 2016 at the Schauburg Cinerama in Karlsruhe, Germany. Come and enjoy the world of LARGE FORMAT film. From vintage classics to the latest Roadshow 70mm films. Join us and be part of this unique event and share the excitement together with visitors from all around the world - including Austria, Switzerland, Holland, Germany, Denmark, England, USA, Japan, Sweden and France - and many more.

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Todd-AO Festival Film Introductions, 2016
• Go to Picture gallery from 12th Todd-AO Festival
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7OMM allerdings ein verdammt guter Grund
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70MM is a Pretty Good Reason - Foreword for 2016
In the history of motion pictures, a film occasionally has captured some moment of the human adventure in a manner to transcend its initial goal of entertainment. These films not only are long remembered but become a vital part of our culture.

In "2OO1: A SPACE ODYSSEY" Stanley Kubrick has created such a film. It offers entertainment in abundance. But no greater compliment can be paid a motion picture than to use it as a yardstick by which to judge other pictures in later years. "2OO1: A SPACE ODYSSEY" is this kind of picture.

Robert H. O'Brien, President, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc.
Die neue Schauburg ist nicht wiederzuerkennen
By Badische Neueste Nachrichten
Nicht ganz so lange wie die fast 3-jährigen Dreharbeiten hat der – trotz goldener Tapeten – die für heutige Verhältnisse verschwindend geringe Summe von ca. 300.000 DM verschlingende Kino-Umbau zum ersten Karlsruher Großraumkino gedauert. Die Strategie der Verantwortlichen bestand darin, sich die Gunst des Publikums durch technisch einschneidende und ästhetisch ansprechende Umbaumaßnahmen zu erkämpfen.
The new Schauburg is unrecognizable
Badische Neueste Nachrichten
The renovation in 1968 did not take quite as long as the almost 3 years it had taken to produce the film, and was completed, including the golden wallpaper, for approx. DM 300,000. By today’s standards that is an incredibly small sum for such a conversion of Karlsruhe’s first large-capacity cinema. Those responsible undertook a strategy of using technically innovative and aesthetically pleasing design techniques in order to benefit the public.
"Vox Lux" to be photographed in 65mm, and presented in 7OMM
By Thomas Hauerslev
Hollywood media announced the news about director Brady Corbet's next film titled "Vox Lux". The production will be photographed on 65mm film, and it's planned to be released with 7OMM prints. The 28 year old actor-turned-director hope the film will reach cinema screens in 2017. Production is planned to begin shooting in February 2017.
World record of 70mm in Amsterdam!
By Johan Wolthuis
EYE film museum Amsterdam has set a world record with the 70mm print of "The Hateful Eight" according to the Weinstein Company. In 4 months time, since January 7, they sold more than 36000 tickets until the end of May. This is more than any other cinema in the world with a 70mm print of the Quentin Tarantino film!
"2OO1" & Jan Harlan goes to Karlsruhe
By Thomas Hauerslev

Jan Harlan will introduce a digital screening of "2OO1: A Space Odyssey" on September 29th, at the Schauburg. Jan have flown over from London especially to be with us that night. Throughout the weekend, we are quite sure, that "2OO1" in 2K, surely will be a topic of passionate discussions among the audience and 7OMM fans alike. Hopefully there will be no extremely odd things going on, and "2OO1" will look and sound better than ever. Please welcome Jan Harlan with us at the Schauburg.

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Schnitzled-up with Jan Harlan in Karlsruhe

• Go to 12. Todd-AO 70mm-Festival
65mm Filming for “Dunkirk” on Location in the Netherlands!
By Jan-Hein Bal and Johan C.M. Wolthuis
On Monday June 20th a crew consisting of 200 men and nearly a hundred local extras arrived in the harbour of the Dutch village of URK, a former island at the IJsselmeer coast, ready for action for nearly four weeks! And a fleet of thirty boats were available in the little harbour of Urk or off shore at the spot, including local fishing boats decorated with British flags and locals dressed as British fishermen.
See it Big! The 7Omm Show
By Howard B. Haas
The last film I attended was STAR! on Saturday August 27 at 3 PM. 20th Century Fox provided the pristine 70mm print from 2008, 2.2 aspect ratio, with digital sound. The curtain was again properly used including during Intermission. This movie's overture music actually is with an opening scene, and there didn't appear to be Intermission music.
The Fight That Started the Movies
By Samuel Hawley
The Fight That Started the Movies is the untold story of Corbett’s and Fitzsimmons’ journey to that ring in Nevada and how the landmark film of their battle came to be made. It reveals how boxing played a key role in the birth of the movies, spurring the development of motion picture technology and pushing the concept of “film” from a twenty-second peephole show to a full-length attraction, “a complete evening’s entertainment,” projected on a screen.
James Horner at the Todd-AO Scoring Stage, CBS Radford, Studio City
Jean-Baptiste Martin
If you happen to carefully read the liner notes in your Horner albums, you must have noticed the name of this recording studio several times. The composer has indeed recorded more than forty scores there, or almost half his discography, from Swing Kids (1992) to Deep Impact (1998) and finally The Spiderwick Chronicles (2007). Let's go back to this historical place where the maestro's brilliant notes sounded in thousands.
“Khartoum”: The Roadshow Engagements
By Mike Coate
The following is a reference/historical list of the Cinerama-branded 70mm roadshow engagements of “Khartoum” held in North America. These presentations utilized special rectified prints derived from 65mm Ultra Panavision photography and projected onto large, deeply curved screens. The audio was six-track stereophonic. The seating was reserved at advanced prices and with an average of ten scheduled screenings per week. The cinemas in which these special presentations played also sold souvenir programs.
“Rollerball”: The 70mm Engagements
By Mike Coate
The following is a list of the 70-millimeter first-run engagements of “Rollerball” in North America. These were near full-width prints (approximately 2.00:1) blown-up from 35mm spherical photography and included discrete six-track audio. The United Artists release was directed by Norman Jewison and starred James Caan and John Houseman.
“Manhunter”: The 70mm Engagements
By Mike Coate
The following is a list of the 70mm first-run engagements of “Manhunter” in North America. These were full-frame 2.20:1 blow-ups sourced from Super-35 photography. The audio was Six-Track Dolby Stereo (“A” encoded, single-surround). The De Laurentiis Entertainment Group release, directed by Michael Mann and starring William Petersen, opened on August 15th, 1986.

• Go to "Ellston Bay" - in VistaVision

In 7OMM with Doug Louden
By Doug Louden
Leaving school in 1975, I started as a projectionist for Hoyts Theatres as a spool boy winding 70mm reissues of "The Sound of Music" and "Hello, Dolly!". My dreams came true in 1976 when I worked at the Hoyts Plaza theatre with Tom Omaye as my head projectionist and in 1989 I got the life time ambition to run my own cinema on the south coast of Sydney before I moved to London in 1992
Widescreen Weekend 2016
Widescreen Weekend will take place from 13 - 16, October 2016 and will feature new Cinerama restorations, classic 70mm screenings and demonstrations of the latest ways to enjoy immersive cinema. Widescreen Weekend commences on Thursday evening and concludes after the last show on Sunday evening. We will be announcing programme information in August 2016. We hope to see you all as we celebrate the joys of wide gauge film once again.

• Go to Widescreen Weekend, Bradford, England

• Go to Widescreen Weekend 2016

Nolan's "Dunkirk" will feature over 100 minutes of IMAX material
By Tyler Purcell
Nolan's Dunkirk will feature over 100 minutes of IMAX material, according to sources close to the production. So far almost all of the still and video images coming from set are of the IMAX camera, with only a few brief moments with the 5/70 Panavision cameras. So far the production has been shooting on location in France, close to where the actual rescue happened.

• Go to “Howard the Duck”: The 70mm Engagements
All That Jazz in Aalborg, Denmark
By Thomas Hauerslev
"Center for Danish Jazz History" and Orla Nielsen opens a new cinema with 16mm, 35mm and 7OMM. A few hundred meters from the blue waters of Limfjorden, in northern Jyllland in Denmark, some hectic construction activity in some former office space is going on in July and August 2016. It's Orla, who enthusiastically shows me around the premises, and talk about the plans for how he intends to transform this former office space into a new cinema to show films with jazz music.

Brian O'Brien Biography
By Walter P. Siegmund and Brian O'Brien, Jr.
Brian O'Brien was born in Denver, Colorado, in 1898 to Michael Phillip and Lina Prime O'Brien. His education started in the Chicago Latin School from 1909–1915, and continued at the Yale Sheffield scientific school where he earned a Ph.B. in 1918 and a Ph.D. in 1922. In 1922 he married Ethel Cornelia Dickerman and they had one son, Brian, Jr..
“Ghostbusters”: The 70mm Engagements
By Mike Coate
The following is a list of the 70-millimeter first-run engagements of “Ghostbusters” in North America. These were full-frame (2.20:1) prints blown up from anamorphic 35mm. The audio was Six-Track Dolby Stereo (“A” encoded, single-surround). The Columbia release, directed by Ivan Reitman — and starring Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis and Sigourney Weaver — opened on June 8th, 1984.
“Heaven’s Gate”: The 70mm Engagements
By Mike Coate
The following is a list of the 70mm first-run engagements of “Heaven’s Gate” in North America. These were letterboxed prints (approximately 2.39:1) blown up from anamorphic 35mm photography. The audio was Six-Track Dolby Stereo (“A” encoded, single-surround). The United Artists release was directed by Michael Cimino and starred Kris Kristofferson, Christopher Walken, Isabelle Huppert, and Jeff Bridges. The running time of the 1980 screenings was 219 minutes, while the 1981 screenings ran 149 minutes.
“The Deer Hunter”: The 70mm Engagements
By Mike Coate
The following is a list of the 70mm first-run engagements of “The Deer Hunter” in North America. These were letterboxed prints (approximately 2.39:1) blown up from anamorphic 35mm photography. The audio was Six-Track Dolby Stereo (“A” encoded, single-surround). The EMI production/Universal release, was directed by Michael Cimino and starred Robert DeNiro, John Cazale, John Savage, Meryl Streep and Christopher Walken.
“Year of the Dragon”: The 70mm Engagements
By Mike Coate
The following is a list of the 70mm first-run engagements of “Year of the Dragon” in North America. These were letterboxed prints (approximately 2.39:1) blown up from anamorphic 35mm photography. The audio was Six-Track Dolby Stereo (“A” encoded, single-surround). The MGM release, directed by Michael Cimino, and starring Mickey Rourke, John Lone and Ariane Koizumi, opened on August 16th, 1985.
Information about the 3-strip movie "The Wonderful World of the Brothers Grimm"
By Gerhard Witte
Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm are mainly worldwide renowned for their collection of fairy tales – but they were also language- and cultural researchers, diplomats, lawyers, professors, librarians and politicians. They were born in Hanau as the eldest children of a Calvinist pastor's family with civil service ties.
Informationen über den 3-Streifen-Film "Die Wunderwelt der Gebrüder Grimm"
Von Gerhard Witte
Vor allem wegen ihrer Märchensammlung sind Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm weltweit bekannt geworden – aber sie waren auch Sprach- und Kulturforscher, Diplomaten, Juristen, Professoren, Bibliothekare und Politiker. Sie wurden als älteste Kinder einer calvinistischen Beamten- und Pastorenfamilie in Hanau geboren.
7Omm & Widescreen Festival @ the Somerville, USA
September 16-25, 2016
Join us for our first-ever celebration of the greatest motion picture format of all time - 70mm film! From September 16 through the 25th, each day we will be presenting classic titles on our big screen. In addition to key 70mm titles, we will also be screening a handful of widescreen 35mm features that emphasize the grandeur of the big screen.
“Greystoke”: The 70mm Engagements
By Mike Coate
The following is a list of the 70mm first-run engagements of “Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan” in North America. These were full-frame 2.20:1 blow-ups sourced from Super-35 photography. The audio was Six-Track Dolby Stereo (“A” encoded, single-surround). The Warner Bros. release, directed by High Hudson and starring Christopher Lambert and Andie MacDowell, opened on March 30th, 1984.
7OMM Festival in New York, USA
July 29–September 4
Museum of the Moving Image is committed to preserving the theatrical presentation of 70mm films in their original format, and the all-70mm version of See it Big! has now become an annual tradition. Opening with "2OO1: A Space Odyssey", the Stanley Kubrick classic that partly inspired the architectural design of the Museum’s Sumner M. Redstone Theater, the series includes a selection of classic and recent examples of such visually spectacular genres as the western, musical, and the science fiction film.
“The Concert for Bangladesh”: The 70mm Engagements
By Mike Coate
The following is a list of the 70-millimeter first-run engagements of “The Concert for Bangladesh” in North America. These were full-frame (2.20:1) prints blown-up from 16mm photography and included discrete six-track audio. The Apple/20th Century-Fox release was directed by Saul Swimmer and featured musical performances by Eric Clapton, Bob Dylan, George Harrison, Ravi Shankar, and many others.
Flicker Alley presents "The Best Of Cinerama" And "Cinerama’s Russian Adventure"
By Flicker Alley, Press
Flicker Alley, in association with Cinerama Inc., adds two newly-restored, Blu-ray/DVD premieres to its popular Cinerama collection: The Best of Cinerama and Cinerama’s Russian Adventure. Release Date: November 15, 2016. Flicker Alley and Cinerama Inc. invite you once more to celebrate the thrilling spectacle of Cinerama with two exciting releases - The Best of Cinerama and Cinerama’s Russian Adventure – both featuring new restorations of some of the most fantastic footage in Cinerama history.
"Ellston Bay" - in VistaVision
Nicholas Eriksson
"Ellston Bay" is a highly ambitious short film project currently set to begin principal photography in September of this year. The project is a psychological-thriller, heavily inspired by the work of renowned horror writer H.P. Lovecraft. The Kickstarter campaign is now live, and with the full support of the general public, Nicholas Eriksson and the entire team at Fact Not Fiction Films hope to take the VistaVision format into the 21st century.
Revisions for “A Century of Widescreens at the World's Fairs”
By McNaughton & Grace
I was involved in the production of the “Hexaplex” film and can offer some additional information and corrections. The Hexaplex system was devised by Mike Browning, who had considerable experience in special format cinema systems. The film format was 35mm for both camera and projector. The camera rig consisted of 6 interlocked Arri cameras arranged to cover a full 360 degree panorama.
"A Tale of Old Whiff", the animated one-reel cartoon has been found
By Randy Gitsch
We are delighted to report that "A Tale of Old Whiff", the animated, one-reel cartoon by Johh Hubley that originally accompanied the "Scent of Mystery" feature in its' 1960 theatrical release, and one which was officially "lost", when he and Dave Strohmaier were desperately looking for it to accompany their DVD/Blu-Ray re-mastered release of that feature, has been found.
“Logan’s Run”: The 70mm Engagements
By Mike Coate
The following is a list of the North American 70-millimeter engagements of “Logan’s Run”. These were full-frame (2.20:1) prints blown-up from anamorphic 35mm photography. The audio was discrete six-track. A few of the prints were encoded with Dolby Noise Reduction, the first known usage of Dolby in connection with the 70mm format. The Saul David production/MGM release was directed by Michael Anderson and starred Michael York and Jenny Agutter.
“Gremlins”: The 70mm Engagements
By Mike Coate
The following is a list of the 70mm first-run engagements of “Gremlins” in North America. These were pillarboxed blow-ups (approximately 1.85:1) sourced from spherical 35mm photography. The audio was Six-Track Dolby Stereo (“A” encoded, single-surround). The Amblin production/Warner Bros. release, directed by Joe Dante and starring Zack Galligan and Phoebe Cates, opened on June 8th, 1984.
1930's Large Format Equipment at the USC Archive
By Dan Sherlock
The University of Southern California has one of the most respected schools of cinema-television in the world. Many famous directors, cinematographers, editors, and others involved in the production of motion pictures and television programs learned their craft at this school. Located below one of the buildings is the USC Moving Picture archive. The archive includes over 18,000 student films, 35mm films, cameras and projectors.

• Go to Gallery:
"Antique" Wide-Gauge movie cameras and projector equipment at the USC

Showcase Presentations in Salt Lake City: A History of Large Format and Roadshow Exhibition, 1956-Present
By Michael Coate & Grant Smith
A chronological, easy-to-read reference list of 70-millimeter presentations in Salt Lake City, Utah. Also the 70mm blow-ups, large-format three-panel processes CineMiracle and Cinerama, and roadshows. As well, an overview has been included of the SLC area cinemas in which the subject films played.
7Omm Weekend in Varnsdorf – more than a fistful of classic film jewels!
By Gerhard Schwach
Dispite all this optical splendour „The Big Fisherman“ is a slow going drama that demands endurance from the audience. The movie doesn't offer all too much physical action, compared with other biblical movies such as „Ben-Hur“ or „Quo Vadis“. I wonder what would have been the result if Cecil B. de Mille or William Wyler had made this movie? Nevertheless, box office in 1960 was great, but - without any understandable reasons - the film completely disappeared from official screenings and was only shown once in German TV many years ago.
Varnsdorf Reloaded
By Ulrich Rostek
Many of the prints presented this year came from the collection of "Kinomuseum Berlin e.V.". The founder of this association, Jean-Pierre Gutzeit, was present at the festival, always ready to discuss and report about technical details, giving a lot of behind-the-scenes information. At this point I want to thank Pavel Nejtek and his team for their hospitality, their open-mindedness, and their patience when another crowd of enthusiastic delegates burst into the tight space of the projection booth.
Varnsdorf, die zweite!
Von Ulrich Rostek
Auch dieses Jahr lud das "Centrum Panorama" wieder zu einem gemütlichen Abend in der angeschlossenen Bar "Film Point" ein, wo bei LIve Musik, gutem böhmischen Bier und einem reichhaltigen Büffet mit einheimischen Spezialitäten bis tief in die Nacht gefachsimpelt wurde. An dieser Stelle ein großes Dankeschön an Pavel Nejtek und seine Mannschaft für die Gastfreundschaft, die Aufgeschlossenheit und die Geduld, wenn wieder einmal technikbegeisterte Zuschauer in den Projektionsraum drängten.
DP70, Victoria 8 and Prevost P70 in Argentina
By Eduardo Cesar Gómez
Actualmente hay dos cabinas de proyeccion instalada con 3 victoria8, una y la otra 2 PREVOST 35/70 las salas ya no funcionan como cines comercial. le voy a adjuntar unas fotos de lasmismas. En nuestro pais hubo dos salas con instalacion de CINERAMA, una ya desaparecida y la otra funciona con tres salas digitales actualmente y se hubica en la Pca de Cordoba. Muchos saludos y lo felicito por su hermosa pagina.
DP70 information from Spain - #850, #1708 and #1717
By Gerardo Cortes
New DP70s have been found here in Barcelona, Spain. Including one of the DPs installed in Cine Kursaal (Barcelona). After many years projectors were move to Cine Femina (Barcelona) and both worked until 1991 once the cinema burned. #850 was restored and has been installed in a private cinema room in La Vall de Bianya - Barcelona.
What is the correct colour of a DP70?
Clive Woodward
We are puzzled by trying to work out the correct colour to repaint them. Ours are a brownish 'hammertone' / 'hammertex' colour. I note from photos on your website many appear to be grey. Even the brown on our units varies from part to part. Do you know of the 'official' original colour for DP70 projectors?
Kodak is making investments in introducing 65mm film processing in Europe
By Kodak
Kodak will open and operate a motion picture film-processing lab in New York City later this year, which will service 35mm, S16, Super 8 film processing and scanning. Kodak is also working with partners to sustain film processing capabilities around the world. In London, Kodak is making investments in introducing 65mm film processing in a region that has seen a huge increase in major productions shot on film.
Une Visite Chez Monsieur Cinerama
François CARRIN est plus connu à l’ALICC sous le pseudo de Mr. CINERAMA. En effet, notre conseiller à la rédaction d’ Infos-Ciné est passionné par les techniques d’écran large. Il a consacré toute sa vie professionnelle aux activités de métreuréconomiste de la construction. En marge de sa profession, il a été projectionniste dans un cinéma de la banlieue de Valenciennes de 1963 à 1973, à Quiévrechain, petite ville de 7000 habitants à la frontière belge.
En Conversation Avec François Carrin
François CARRIN. S’intéresser à l’écran large, au triple écran, avoir été projectionniste et avoir fréquenté ces installations un peu hors normes, ce n’est pas courant à l’ALICC. François nous explique donc son CINEMA PARADISIO personnel.
Scent of Mystery at the TCM Classic Film Festival 2016
By Dave Strohmaier and Tom March
The 2016 TCM Classic Film festival is a really big Hollywood event held over four days between April 28 and May 1 in the heart of Hollywood. The Cinerama contribution was the Mike Todd, Jr.'s "Smell-O-Vision" Cinerama Dome screening of “Scent of Mystery”. It screened on May 1 at 10:00AM to a full house. It was hosted by LEONARD MALTIN - Film Critic and Historian with a special guest appearance by BEVERLY BENTLEY who played the decoy Sally Kennedy in the film.
Orla Nielsen shows "The Hateful Eight" in Aalborg
By Thomas Hauerslev
You can't keep a man down who want to show 7OMM! That statement seems to be true with Orla Nielsen from Aalborg in Denmark. Orla Nielsen opens a temporary cinema to show "The Hateful Eight". The local multiplex declined Orla's offer to set up 7OMM screenings earlier this year. Instead, Theatre Nordkraft's manager Jakob Jørgensen came to the rescue and offered his theatre to Orla for a limited season.

Gallery "The Hateful Eight", Roadshow, Aalborg
It's All in the Writing. Jan Harlan in Denmark
By Thomas Hauerslev
While I was in New York working for a data processing company I got to know Stanley very well – he was already married to my sister since 1957. This was in 1963/64. After that I continued with my work in Germany and Switzerland. Stanley worked with Arthur C. Clarke in New York while I was there to prepare "2OO1" but the family later moved to England to film “2OO1” at the MGM studios in Borehamwood. I lived in Zurich then doing my job but visited Stanley and the family from time to time in England.

• Go to It's All in the Writing. Jan Harlan in Denmark
70mm Arrives in Barnsley
By Ben Wales
In the South Yorkshire Town of Barnsley was history in the making with the UK’s third venue to screen the 70mm Roadshow “The Hateful Eight”. For those who have never been or heard of Barnsley, it is once known for the Coal Mining and Glass Making and Brass Bands and now 70mm at the former Odeon Cinema now called The Parkway Cinema.
Varnsdorf Presents "The Big Fisherman" in Super Panavision 70
By Zdenek Stepanek
Jako velkou perlu našeho 70mm Weekendu uvedeme film "The Big Fisherman" z roku 1959, režie Frank Borzage. Film vypráví biblický příběh rybáře Petra, který se stal následovníkem Ježíše. Příběh o vykoupení a odpuštění nejen Petra, ale i o mladé Arabsko-Židovské dívce Faře.
Varnsdorf Presents "The Big Fisherman" in Super Panavision 70
By Zdenek Stepanek
As a large pearl of our 70mm Weekend we present the film "The Big Fisherman" from 1959, directed by Frank Borzage. The film tells the biblical story of the angler Peter who became a follower of Jesus. The story is not only about Peter's redemption and forgiveness, but also about a young Arab-Jewish girl called Fara.
The 70mm Trailer Anomaly
By Brian Walters
Some of the excellent sounding 70mm trailer examples were for “The Fly“, “Commando“ and “Full Metal Jacket“, all wonderfully dynamic sounding trailers that far exceeded the sound of the feature presentations which were to be in 35mm stereo optical sound only. The picture quality of these trailers, even though only blow ups from 35mm, was also usually superior because of the improved brightness, picture stability and improved definition from longer focal length lenses employed with 70mm projection.
Julie, Sebastian and Zhivago
By Thomas Hauerslev
I usually say about 200 times, but I have no idea. Many times at home, in my home theatre as well. It has everything. Best photo, best picture, best actors and actresses, best music, you name it. It has it. It is the Zhivago character I like the most. He is a man not seeking revenge. How bad the situation, no revenge. That is big. That is what appeals to me because that is the future actually. I don’t think we will have wars in the far future. Zhivago is a man of the future. I have read the book, and this the theme in the book.
KRRR! 2016 Festival Report
By Hans Hanessler
Yesterday I came back from the 70 mm festival in Krnov. In all it was about 26 hours of films to watch, but I left some minutes off. The travelling by car to Krnov is about 900 km. So I stopped at Pilzen on the way to Krnov and also on the way back. There you can drink the good Pilzner beer in an very old pub from 1648. The weather in Krnov was rain and only 7 degrees Celsius temperature. There is only one hotel left in town and they were some other visitors of the festival from Sweden.
Rob Younger
Once again the Parkway Cinema Barnsley is leading the way! Every screening will have a personal introduction from me and we will be inviting interested parties into the projection room after the show. There are just three towns/cities in the UK where the full experience of "The Hateful Eight" 70mm Roadshow can be enjoyed as the director intended; London, Edinburgh and BARNSLEY! This will be the first time that any 70mm film has been screened to an audience in Barnsley, let alone a Roadshow!
Batman vs. Superman in 15/70 IMAX 70mm‏
By Andrew Kotwicki
The IMAX sequences themselves maintained Snyder's grainy aesthetic but were significantly sharper and brighter than the rest of the movie and the opening and closing sequences were stunning to behold. The biggest reason fans should go out of their way to see this is for the titular fight between Batman and Superman, which was shot and exhibited entirely in 70mm
12. Todd-AO 70mm-Festival. 30. September - 2. October, 2016
By Born & Hauerslev
We have launched the 12th instalment of the “Todd-AO 70mm Festival“ to be held from 30. September - 2. October, 2016 at the Schauburg Cinerama in Karlsruhe, Germany. Come and enjoy  the world of LARGE FORMAT film. From vintage classics to the latest Roadshow 70mm films, all of which proudly carry trade names of large format motion picture processes. Join us and be part of this unique event and share the excitement together with visitors from all around the world - including Austria, Switzerland, Holland, Germany, Denmark, England, USA, Japan, Sweden and France - and many more..
The Magic of Large Format Cinema
By Mark Trompeteler
The 2015 event very nearly did not happen. The Museum had announced in the previous year that it would not be holding any of its regular film festivals in 2015. Given the time that this particular event had spent over the years building up an international audience, that travelled from all over the world to attend it, and the real concern that if it broke the pattern by not holding the event for a year, it would begin to start losing that audience
Widescreen Weekend 2015 / Widescreen 2016
By Mark Trompeteler
I have had a couple of enquiries from overseas friends and colleagues about all kinds of things they are hearing about Bradford's National Media Museum and the fate of WSW. From what I am seeing in the UK press and from the recent discussions on behalf of BKSTS I have had with them at NMM I believe the situation is as follows.
March Madness: "Batman v. Superman" - is there a joker in the deck?
By Lee Pfeiffer
The heavily-hyped Warner Brothers super hero epic "Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice" is one of the most heavily promoted films in years. It's also one of the most expensive. Variety estimates that the film's $250 million production budget plus ancillary marketing costs will make it necessary for the movie to gross $800 worldwide just to break even. You read that right: $800 million.
KRRR! 11th 70mm Film Fest Krnov 2016
By The Kino Mir 70 Team
Under patronage of the Municipal centre of information and culture Krnov, together with Ministry of Culture, under the patronage of town major of Krnov, the Kino Mir 70 theatre will again be the meeting point for film enthusiasts from not only the Czech Republic but also visitors from many counties, including Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Holland, Poland, United Kingdom and the United States.
"Holiday in Spain" @ the Cinerama Dome
By Strohmaier & Co
Sunday May 1st.. It is partly a live audience participation event where live actors come off the screen. We will have appearances by 2 of the original cast members, The daughter of Mike Todd Jr., and some give away BluRays. Several Lobby displays related to Smell and the Todd 70mm process.
70mm Film weekend in Centrum Panorama Varnsdorf
By Zdenek Stepanek
70mm Cinema Panorama in Varnsdorf, Czech Republic, located on the border with Germany, celebrates this year its 45th anniversary of its opening. In 1971 there was built a brand new modern 70mm cinema in Varnsdorf. We take this opportunity to invite you to 70mm weekend that will be held on 12 - 14 May 2016. We will offer once again a unique experience with the royal film format to the audience.
Betty York, A Mini Bio
By Betty York
When we [Johnny and I] separated I went to NY and successfully broke into photographic modelling and TV commercials, making good use of my SAG (film) membership which unions required. I also did freelance greeting card designs, building on the years I spent as a designer with the Hallmark Card Company in Kansas City.
Chicago's Music Box Theater's 70mm Film Festival
By Andrew Kotwicki
Word has it the theater programmers are already looking into what to include for next year’s 70mm Film Festival and based on the success of this one, I’ve a feeling it will be even larger than this year’s rollout. Stay tuned for the next 70mm Film Festival by the Music Box Theater, arguably one of the finest movie houses in the nation and by far among the best curators of 70mm films in the world!
California Zephyr and Cinerama Holiday
By Frank Brehm
Since its debut the California Zephyr had included among its ridership well known actors and actresses, foreign heads of state, as well as many others then in the public eye. One of those early riders was Louis de Rochemont, who proclaimed it "the finest train I have ever ridden." Because of his fond memory of that ride on the Zephyr Mr. de Rochemont invited the three railroads operating the transcontinental streamliner, to take part in his production of the second Cinerama film—"Cinerama Holiday."
7OMM in New Zealand
By Allan Webb
I have been for the past 6 years compiling a book on Auckland cinemas covering all aspects of the industry as well. It's up to 40 volumes and we have now started to print and bind volumes. There are 25 copies and will all be donated to archives, museums, universities, libraries and historical societies around Auckland. It has cost me 3k per copy but it’s a labour of love. It will be the only document NZ will ever have that documents the history of cinema.
“Dragonslayer”: The 70mm and VistaSonic Engagements
By Mike Coate

The following is a list of the 70mm first-run engagements of “Dragonslayer” in North America. These were full-frame (2.20:1) blow-ups sourced from anamorphic 35mm photography. The audio was Six-Track Dolby Stereo (“A” encoded, split-surround). The Disney/Paramount co-production was released on June 26th, 1981.
“Firefox”: The 70mm Engagements
By Mike Coate

The following is a list of the 70mm first-run engagements of “Firefox” in North America. These were full-frame (2.20:1) blow-ups sourced from anamorphic 35mm photography. The audio was Six-Track Dolby Stereo (“A” encoded, single-surround). The Malpaso production/Warner Bros. release, directed by and starring Clint Eastwood, was released on June 18th, 1982.
“Octopussy”: The 70mm Engagements
By Mike Coate

The following is a list of the 70mm first-run engagements of “Octopussy” in North America. These were full-frame (2.20:1) blow-ups sourced from anamorphic 35mm photography. The audio was Six-Track Dolby Stereo (“A” encoded, single-surround). The 13th James Bond release from Eon/Danjaq/MGM-UA starred Roger Moore and opened on June 10th, 1983.
2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996, 1995, 1994

5 YEARS AGO - 2011
Carl Davis Interview
The worlds first Imax theatre
"New Magic" in 70mm Showscan

10 YEARS AGO - 2006

On the trail of "Ryan's Daughter" and "Far and Away"
The Poster Art of Howard Terpning
How "Far and Away" became 65mm

15 YEARS AGO - 2001
Cinemas of Copenhagen
Cinestage 34mm in London
Todd-AO The Show of Shows

20 YEARS AGO - 1996
A Cinerama Holiday
Full credits for "The March of Todd-AO"
Come Back D-150 ....All Is Forgiven

“The Thing”: The 70mm Engagements
By Mike Coate

The following is a list of the 70mm first-run engagements of John Carpenter’s “The Thing” in North America. These were full-frame (2.20:1) blow-ups sourced from anamorphic 35mm photography. The audio was Six-Track Dolby Stereo (“A” encoded, single-surround). The Universal release, directed by John Carpenter and starring Kurt Russell, opened on June 25th, 1982.
The UK 7OMM “Hateful 8” Roadshow goes to Edinburgh
By Ben Wales
The Cinema opened on the release date (8th January 2016) a DCP version, but most were awaiting for the “70mm Roadshow” and on the 12th February it opened to record sell outs for the first week and still maintaining above average sells that it has been given more screenings for the last weekend. By the time your correspondent had visited this Cinema on Tuesday 23rd February well over 3,000 had seen the 70mm Roadshow presentation.
The Passing of Oliver Michael Todd
By Thomas Hauerslev

I am very sorry to report the passing of Oliver Todd on Tuesday 23. February 2016 following complications of cancer treatment. Oliver died at the hospital in Copenhagen, Denmark, with two of his siblings present. Oliver was a happy man, and glad to talk about 70mm history. Probably a bit surprised to meet the 70mm fans in Aalborg in 2014. He was the star among us, and everyone wanted his autograph and talk to him.
The H8 Down Under
By Brian Walters
The following day I attended the 1:30 PM session at the beautiful art deco “Rivoli Complex“ cinema one. Both of these cinemas showed off the great quality of the Ultra Panavision 70 process to audiences that had mostly never seen this film format. On display was not only the razor sharp grainless image, but also the solid saturated colour rendition that only film presentations can currently deliver.
The 70mm Ultra Panavision Roadshow in Gartenbau Kino, Vienna, Austria
Gerhard Schwach
The 70mm Ultra Panavision Roadshow in Gartenbau Kino in Vienna is really a spectacle! The atmosphere was great: large posters in front of the cinema announced the 70 mm roadshow, there was a 70mm extra charge for the ticket, lots of interested people in the lobby already at 4:00 p.m. and an almost sold out evening show at 8:15 p.m.
The Hateful Eight 7OMM alla Cineteca di Bologna, Cinema Lumiere
Di Daniele Buttafava
Anche a Bologna la presentazione del Roadshow in Ultra Panavision 70mm di The Hateful Eight di Quentin Tarantino. Il film viene presentato presso la sala Officine Mastroianni del cinema Lumiere. Il film viene proiettato dal proiezionista Stefano Bognar con un Proiettore 35/70 Prevost P93 degli anni 90.
The Ziegfeld and Sound
By Paul Margulies
I was assigned by Theater Alignment Program to report on the screening of Independence Day. As I sat in the sold-out show, it was apparent that the film was running in mono sound, rather than the Dolby Digital as advertised. When the screening was finished and I was sitting writing up my notes to phone in to TAP. I pointed out the massive water stain on the screen and the fact that the sound was not in 5.1.
50th Anniversary of "The Sound of Music" in Dutch Cinemas
This year it is exactly fifty years ago that The Sound of Music (1965) was first released in Dutch cinemas. This Oscar-laden musical remained one of the most enduringly popular Hollywood films well into the seventies and achieved a true cult status. Schawn Belston of 20th Century Fox, who is responsible for the recent digital restoration, will be present in EYE to give an introduction to the screening.
The Ziegfeld has closed
By Howard Haas
The Ziegfeld in New York closed January 28, 2016 and will be gutted to be the Ziegfeld Ballroom. The last "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" shows were sold out with movie fans who wished to say goodbye to the Ziegfeld.
"The Hateful Eight" in der Essener "Lichtburg"
Von Ulrich Rostek
Wie die meisten aus der verschworenen Gemeinschaft der 70mm-Anhänger fieberte ich dem Kinostart von "The Hateful Eight" entgegen, seit sich die Hinweise verdichteten, dass zum ersten mal seit beinahe 50 Jahren wieder ein Film in 70mm Ultra Panavision produziert werden sollte.
THAT’S CINEMA! The Hateful Eight in 70MM at ARCADIA, Milan Italy
By Francesco Gualeni
I’ve never seen so many people enthusiast in front of a 70MM film print! When Interstellar was released in 70MM everybody thought about a miracle that an analog print was back again into theater, but now with The Hateful Eight and next year with Christopher Nolan’s Dunkirk the idea of “cinema experience” is back again.
"The Hateful Eight" at the "Lichtburg" in Germany
By Ulrich Rostek
Like everybody within the 70mm community I was absolutely keen on seeing "The Hateful Eight" since I read the movie was going to be shot in Ultra Panavision 70. In Germany only four 70mm prints were distributed to the movie theatres still capable of projecting 7OMM, including the cinema next door to me.
The Hateful Eight" 7OMM Road Show Gala premiere in Berlin Tuesday 26. January 2016
By Gerhard Witte
"The Hateful Eight" 7OMM Road Show Gala premiered at the Zoo Palast in Berlin (Germany) Tuesday 26. January 2016. Gerhard Witte, local in70mm.com reporter was on the spot to take the pictures.

• Go to "The Hateful Eight" 7OMM Roadshow Gala premiere in Berlin Tuesday 26. January 2016
In Amsterdam 70mm is reborn!
By Johan Wolthuis
An inquiry among the visitors, mostly Tarantino fans, before the first full house screening , why they came to the EYE for Tarantino's movie (they have to take the ferry crossing the harbour) instead of the easier way to see it in the inner town of Amsterdam, resulted in the same answer from all: "We want to see it the way Tarantino has meant it: in 70mm!" So that is the reason, not the enormous publicity!
7OMM Kommer Tillbaka till Stockholm!
Av Bengt Fredén
Jag måste också givetvis nämna för er att vi hade mycket stort nöje av filmen! Att se en 'riktig' analog film i detta superformat är en upplevelse utöver det vanliga! Speciellt imponerade, förutom de fantastiska inledande bergsscenerierna i det snöiga Wyoming, var det mäktiga ljudet - Ennio Morricones specialkomponerade musik, med mystiskt morrande fagotter, ramade in detta märkliga kammardrama.
7OMM Returns to Stockholm
Bengt Fredén
Here is a short account of our visit at the projection booth at the Rigoletto movie theater in Stockholm, and of course also from the screening of the three-hour UltraPanavision 70 movie "The Hateful 8" in the evening of January 10th, 2016.
Seeing the Big Picture
By American Cinematheque
Requiring special projector lenses sent to theaters to capture the film’s visual impact, Quentin Tarantino’s new Western, THE HATEFUL EIGHT, was shot in Ultra Panavision 70 - the first such production since KHARTOUM. Other films shot in Ultra Panavision include the star-studded comedy IT’S A MAD, MAD, MAD, MAD WORLD, which proved as side-splitting as it was screen-stretching, and the timeless classic BEN HUR, whose famous chariot race used the edges of the image to keep audiences on the edge of their seats.
The Hateful Eight in London at The Odeon Leicester Square
By Mark Lyndon & Ben Wales
Make no mistake, this is a landmark in the history of the cinema. Odeon have risen magnificently to the challenge of catering to record breaking demand to see a film which is the talk of the town. We have never seen such massive crowds in Leicester Square, all determined to secure a seat to witness the must see film of the year, if not the century so far.
The Adventures of Hateful 8 at Rigoletto!
By Mats Kullander
To cut toilet line on the balcony during intermission, I went down and let people use “my” toilet, at the same time showing them the projectors and film. It really was a terrific “family gathering” and all sold out in the booth. I had to promise some of them a visit after the performances. At 01:50 AM I had shown the film to almost 2.300 fans and didn't leave the cinema until 02:45 after the last curious person had left the booth. I must say that this is some kind of peak in my long career.
Ultra Violence in Ultra Panavision and Poetic Glory in Cinerama
Reviewed by Mark Lyndon
"The Hateful Eight" is ugly, violent, gory and brutal. it also contains some of the most hauntingly beautiful and poetic imagery ever projected in a cinema. If at all possible, it must be seen in Ultra Panavision 70. A huge amount of courage, dedication and vision has gone into bringing this film to the big screen, for a mainstream audience to have it's eyes opened to what cinema is capable of achieving in the hands of a true master.
The HATEFUL 8 @ the SUN theatre
By Bert Murphy
Getting the Projector into the bio was every bit the nightmare I had been imagining it to be. First, rolling it down the street on casters like an armoured shopping trolley got a few glances from passing traffic. Then into the foyer for the next challenge. It wouldn't fit in the lift. No problem; release the lamp house mount from the pedestal and carry it along behind.
"The Hateful Eight" Road Show at AFI Silver
By Howard B. Haas
I had never seen a movie two days in a row, and never seen a new movie twice unless I'm travelling and wish to see a historic movie theater but over Christmas weekend, I enjoyed director Quentin Tarantino's 70mm Roadshow presentation of the 3 hour epic “The Hateful Eight” two days in a row at the AFI Silver in suburban Washington D.C.
"The Hateful Eight" goes to Russia
By Alex Asp
The HATEFUL EIGHT will be released on one 70mm screen in Moscow on January 1st, 2016 - In the biggest auditorium of OCTOBER cinema. They have located fully preserved an fully functional KINOTON FP75E. The Russian dubbed soundtrack will be played using the only surviving DTS set of equipment.
Christopher Nolan to Direct Thriller “Dunkirk” in 65mm
Christopher Nolan will direct “Dunkirk” from his own original screenplay. An epic action thriller, “Dunkirk” is set during the legendary evacuation.  Warner Bros. Pictures is distributing “Dunkirk” worldwide and has slated the film for a July 21, 2017 release. The film will be released theatrically on IMAX, 70mm, 35mm and all other screens.

• Go to Quentin Tarantino's "The Hateful Eight"

What did you think about the 7OMM Road Show Version of The Hateful Eight?
Thoughts and impressions of the new film, and the roadshow presentation in your area. What did it look like, did the theatre give you a good experience, did the theatre sell souvenir programs, was it sold out, how far did you drive to see it in 7OMM, did the show live up to your expectations, and why etc., etc. If this is your first 7OMM, what do you think about it? Anything that comes into your mind about this event.
70MM at the Schauburg. Todd-AO Festival Report
By Thomas Hauerslev
Every year in October a group of around 200 people meet in a cinema in Baden-Württemberg, in the south of Germany. A large part of the audience comes from Germany of course, but there are guests from all over Europe, the United States and as far away as Japan. What are they doing? They are watching classic 70MM films, many of which they often have seen many times before.
Scent of Mystery lives again!
By Tammy Burnstock
Fifty-five years after its original scented release, Scent of Mystery (AKA Holiday in Spain) lives once again in glorious Smell-O-Vision! In two special events: for the Widescreen Weekend Festival, Bradford UK and in front of a full house at the Danish Film Institute in Copenhagen, the movie was screened with a new experimental participatory scent track.

• Go to
"The Hateful Eight" 70mm Theatre List
• Go to "The Hateful Eight" Production Notes
About "Scent of Mystery"
By Jack Cardiff
How did I come to direct 'Scent of Mystery'? Well, I had quite a success on a previous film, "Sons and Lovers", and I suppose the natural thing... I had met Michael Todd's father who died, and he had wanted me to direct "Don Quixote". But nothing finally came of it because he died soon after that. But I was automatically chosen for 'Scent of Mystery'. As I say, I was very pleased because it was something that had interested me for years- and I still have an interest in it. But it was such a sad thing that the film was made... as integral part of the film was of course the use of smells, and it didn't come off because the smells were nothing, they were a fake.
A Brief History about Hans Laube
By Carmen Laube
Hans Laube was born in Zurich on February 21, 1900. He passed away in NYC in 1976. When Hans was born Queen Victoria was still alive and ruling. His childhood experiences included witnessing a cortege interrupted by noise emulating from inside the coffin; the 'body' was still alive! That may have stimulated his lifelong fear of doctors. A trip to the hospital was just the first stop on the road to the cemetery.

• Send your impression to: mr_in70mm@hotmail.com
Information about "The Golden Head"
By Gerhard Witte
I saw "Milly" for the first time at Bradford's Widescreen Weekend in 2006. It was well received. Some opinions about the movie read as follows: An unexpected delight that was a great deal better than its reputation. "The Golden Head" was the great surprise and a real treat. Excellent! Great to see the legendary "The Golden Head"!
The Hateful Eight - Cinemas with the 7OMM Roadshow Version
By Thomas Hauerslev
This Worldwide 7OMM Premiere list has been put together like a jig-saw puzzle based on what people write on internet foras, people who write to in70mm.com and theater web sites. This list includes the official Weinsten 7OMM Premiere List of US Cinemas.
The DP75 Story
By Colin Bainbridge
''Following the DP70 the DP75 projector was a travesty''. This sentiment has been widely held by many in the past and is maybe understandable given the striking difference in appearance of the two machines, it is however a view made perhaps without fully appreciating the design process and engineering that makes a projector mechanism and why economic considerations are taken into account when producing what is essentially a specialised piece of equipment.
The Widest Story Ever Told
Von Christian Appelt
Am 12. Oktober 1956 präsentierte MGM Camera 65 im Rahmen der SMPTE-Konferenz in einer Demonstrationsvorführung. Douglas Shearer und Robert Gottschalk von Panavision stellten die Flexibilität des Formats heraus. “Vom Standpunkt des Produzenten aus ist die Wahlmöglichkeit des endgültigen Verleihformats einer der Vorzüge dieses 65-mm-Verfahrens”

Go to The Widest Story Ever Told
70MM Film Print and Projection Details
By Paul Rayton
All 70mm prints for platter houses in the US will be shipped out entirely assembled. The prints are being built up by a selected crew working near Magic Mountain (Santa Clarita), CA. The prints will be in one single transport case, custom made for the show. A large, flat case, similar to those sometimes used to transport Imax 70mm prints, back in the day.

• Go to The Todd-AO Projector

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7OMM Seminar, Kino Mir 70, Krnov, Czech Republic

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Stanley Kubrick's "2OO1: A Space Odyssey"

• Go to Philips DP75s


Online: 02-06-1999. Updated: 26-05-2024